Object:IC 1340, otherwise known as The Bat Nebula and Caldwell 33, is a beautiful portion of the Cygnus loop supernova remnant that reveals delicate wisps and filaments of nebulosity. Sadly, it is often overlooked because of the notoriety of three other portions of the Cygnus loop, namely the Veil Nebula, The Witch’s Broom Nebula, and Pickering’s Triangle. IC 1340 is the continuation of the Veil Nebula. The nebula lies approximately 1,500 light-years from Earth.
Taken: September 4, 2020
Telescope: Astro-Tech 14” RC with Starizona Apex-ED L 0.65x focal reducer
Mount: Paramount ME II unguided
Camera: ZWO ASI1600MC-Pro (cooled to -10C; Unity Gain) Bin 1×1.
Focuser: Moonlite Nitecrawler
Rotator: Moonlite Nitecrawler
Filters used: Radian Triad Ultra Quad Narrowband
Exposures: 120×60 seconds for a total exposure time of 2 hours; calibrated with 40 dark frames.
Seeing Conditions:
Image capture and telescope control: Sequence Generator Pro and TheSkyX Pro
Processed with PixInsight, Photoshop CC 2020