2024 Photographic Society of America (PSA) Photo Festival to honor Russell Croman

This year’s PSA Photo Festival is being held in Tucson, Arizona at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort from Sunday September 15 through Saturday September 21, 2024. The featured distinguished Progress Award recipient is Russell Croman, founder of RC Astro, Austin, TX. Russell will be present on September 21 from 1:00 – 2:00pm AZ time in Salon B. Details about the event can be found at https://psa-photo.org/page/photo-festival

Many invitations have been sent to the astrophotography community to participate in Russell’s achievement. The PSA is a world-wide photography venue that until now has not featured many astrophotos. You all should be familiar with my Bronze Portfolio Award last year for “Nebulae of the Milky Way”. This year I have written an article for the PSA Journal about getting started in astrophotography. My hope is to encourage many photographers to enter into this rewarding field. The article will be published and sent to members of the PSA. Here is a preview of the article.

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