Object: NGC 7822 is a young star-forming complex in the constellation of Cepheus.
The complex encompasses the emission region designated Sharpless 171, and the young cluster of stars named Berkeley 59. The complex is believed to be some 2900 light-years distant, with the younger components aged no more than a few million years. The complex also includes one of the hottest stars discovered within 1 kpc of the Sun, namely BD+66 1673, which is an eclipsing binary system consisting of an O5V that exhibits a surface temperature of nearly 45,000 K and a luminosity about 100,000 times that of the Sun. The star is one of the primary sources illuminating the nebula and shaping the complex’s famed pillars of creation-type formations, the elephant trunks.
Taken: October 4, 2024
Telescope: Skywatcher Esprit 80 ED Triplet APO Refractor
Mount: Paramount ME II
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM-Pro (cooled to 0C; Gain 100) Bin 1×1.
Guiding: Unguided
Focuser: Starizona Micro Touch Autofocuser
Rotator: Optec Pixys LE camera field rotator
Filters used: Chroma Ha, OIII and SII with a ZWO 7-position Electronic Filter Wheel for 2" Filters
Exposures: 100×90 seconds Ha, 92×90 seconds OIII, and 80×90 seconds SII for a total exposure time of 6.8 hours; calibrated with 40 dark frames, 40 flat frames with 40 dark-flats.
Seeing Conditions:
Image capture and telescope control: Nighttime Imaging ‘N’ Astronomy (N.I.N.A.) and TheSkyX Pro with a SkyShed POD MAX observatory.
Processed with PixInsight, Photoshop CC 2024