L-Quad Enhance Filter (L-QEF) is a quad bandpass light pollution suppression filter for OSC cameras. It effectively suppresses the transmission of light pollution wavelengths, especially light pollution generated by artificial lighting (including mercury and sodium lamps), as well as the effects of natural skylight-induced effects on the shot, thus effectively enhancing the contrast and details of the celestial bodies, and making the objects more distinct and stereoscopic.
This filter provides better color balance while improving resistance to light pollution. L-QEF can be used for both wide-field astrophotography, such as the Milky Way in Summer and Winter, and deep-sky objects such as nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, and so forth. It allows you to save a lot of time during the shooting process and get better results at the same time. The design of the quad bandpass maximizes the color balance of nebulae, galaxies, and other broadband spectral targets.